2CV Sedan 1955
Cut-out Kit

2cv 1955 Sedan Cut-out kit, thumbnail

This cut-out kit is available as free download in the following image file formats :
  1. PNG (25kb)
  2. GIF (32kb)

The image size is high resolution 920 x 622.

It has been designed as a 8 single colors image so that one can very easily change the color of any of the different elements (body, material top, bumpers and so on...) by editing the palette of the image with any common image processing software.
The background is white so that you can print the image on a strong paper sheet to instantly have your cut-out kit.

If you do not have an image processing software you can ask a custom made kit for $1.
Just specify the colors you whish for each element and the image format you need (GIF or PNG).
Your custom cut-out kit will be e-mailed to you as soon as your $1 will have been received.

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